The company that engaged its most committed sales people to inspire the rest

Skills | October 1, 2019

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Тhe Challenge

Our client was a big company having 25 years of experience in FMCG distribution and logistics. They operated in the Northern part of Bulgaria, distributing products for leading Bulgarian manufacturers. They were also partners of big multinational companies. Our clients attributed the company’s development to its employees’ professionalism and commitment, especially those in the sales department. That’s why it was important for them to ensure long-term sustainable development for their sales people.

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The Solution

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The Results

After the training all sales people who took part were more motivated, committed and willing to dive in the work processes.

The management team worked out criteria which they used to form a group of sales leaders who inspired their younger and less experienced coworkers. This increased the loyalty within the sales dept. The people who graduated successfully became role models.

The sales results improved, the company reinforced its leading position on the market and remained the biggest distribution company in Northern Bulgaria.