Diagnosing growing pains and organizational effectiveness

The goal of every organization is to grow. Sometimes this happens gradually, other times it happens suddenly or in leaps and bounds. However, if business growth is not supported by an increase in internal capacity and an adequate change of structure and processes, the company may face the so-called growing pains.

A few typical examples of growing pains are:

  • Custom Bullet 1people spend too much time “putting out fires”
  • Custom Bullet 1there are not enough hours in the day
  • Custom Bullet 1most people don’t know what others are doing
  • Custom Bullet 1 management decisions are becoming increasingly poor
  • Custom Bullet 1and at some point no one, including the C-suite, knows where the company is headed…

Growing pains are symptoms of lagging in organizational development, and empirical data shows that high values ​​of growing pains have a negative impact on company success.

Using the established methodology of our long-term US partner Management Systems, we assist scale-up and transforming companies to diagnose the level of growing pains (Growing pains Survey) and evaluate the current effectiveness of the organization (Organizational effectiveness survey).

As a result, the leadership team receives a detailed report which are the areas to pay attention to and can take the necessary measures so that the company’s capacity meets the growth rate.

After analyzing the results of the organizational diagnostics, we can assist with devising a business strategy and a strategic plan for the development of the business in the next 3-5 years:

  • Custom Bullet 1OKRs or SMART goals (for max. 18 months ahead)
  • Custom Bullet 1Company priorities
  • Custom Bullet 1Specific actions the company will take
  • Custom Bullet 1The people responsible for each action
  • Custom Bullet 1Deadlines

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Custom Bullet 1

After analyzing the results of the organizational diagnostics, we can assist with devising a business strategy and a strategic plan for the development of the business in the next 3-5 years:

  • Custom Bullet 1OKRs or SMART goals (for max. 18 months ahead)
  • Custom Bullet 1Company priorities
  • Custom Bullet 1Specific actions the company will take
  • Custom Bullet 1The people responsible for each action
  • Custom Bullet 1Deadlines

Combine with:

Custom Bullet 1
Custom Bullet 1

After analyzing the results of the organizational diagnostics, we can assist with devising a business strategy and a strategic plan for the development of the business in the next 3-5 years:

  • Custom Bullet 1OKRs or SMART goals (for max. 18 months ahead)
  • Custom Bullet 1Company priorities
  • Custom Bullet 1Specific actions the company will take
  • Custom Bullet 1The people responsible for each action
  • Custom Bullet 1Deadlines

Combine with:

Custom Bullet 1
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